Friday, October 24, 2008

Proud To Be a Vacuous American

If I hear one more republican spew crap like Mitt Romney did at the RNC this year, I'm going to freaking lose it: "Just like you, there has never been a day when I was not proud to be an American. We inherited the greatest nation in the history of the earth."

Ok, for starters - I can inherit my mother's china and then proceed to use it in the microwave and feed my cats with it. The china is probably not going to be as pristine as it was when I inherited from her. Well I'm not sure I'm too proud of the greed and bad decision making that destroyed our economy (thanks for that deregulation stuff, republicans - you're right - the market can totally take care of itself! Just watch it do it! Oh wait, didn't you just pump hundreds of billions of dollars into because it isn't taking care of itself? Hmmmm....).

I'm also not proud that we went into Iraq based on a lie (that Al Qaeda is there). What really gets me is so many people still think it's true, even though it wasn't! But even more shameful are the republican politicians still asserting it as fact and claiming that going into Iraq helped prevent future attacks against America. I'm calling bullshit on that one. Here's what the moron Sen. Lindsey Graham said at the RNC: "Because losing in Iraq would have been a nightmare for America. Al' Qaeda would have claimed victory over our nation."

Wow - now I'm really not proud that there are still those in office that are stating this bullshit in 2008, a good 4 years after the 9/11 Commission stated there wasn't a connection. Most likely he's aware of this, but he knows there are enough stupid people registered to vote who will believe what he's saying is face and vote for McCain based on how the Iraq war has prevented Al Qaeda from attacking us again.

This election is killing me...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I totally agree...and as usual feel better about the world having read your words.

You should write more. ;c)

Nice blog theme, by the way. I swear I didn't purposely copy it.

Incidentally, my word verification for this post is "mosal", which my mind pronounces like "Mozul", which is a city in Iraq, which I find interesting given the subject matter of your post.

I love run-on sentences.